Become a sight-centric shooter and hit what you're aiming at.
There are two kinds of shooters: sight-centric and trigger-centric. How can we tell them apart? Trigger centric shooters miss. A LOT. It’s an error in thinking that we see frequently in newer shooters- and it's an easy error to make (particularly since many instructors are trigger-centric in their teaching and coaching). Why does it make us miss?
Trigger-centric shooters believe (whether they realize it or not) that the final control of the gun occurs via the operation of the ignition system. Sight-centric shooters, on the other hand, understand that the trigger is an error inducing control to be managed by proper alignment of the sights in an appropriate sight picture. Sight-centric shooters communicate with the “feedback loop” through the shot. Trigger-centric shooters often abandon the front sight as they snatch the trigger into inaccurate oblivion. We typically call this a “flinch”. The good news is that it can be defeated.
How do we defeat it?
- Be present through the shot.
- Keep the trigger moving.
- Saturate the prefrontal cortex with sight information, NOT trigger information.
Pretty easy, right? Come train with us, and it will be!